Install Pixel Script in HTML site

The first step towards boosting conversion rates is to add WidgetSquad pixel code to your website and / or landing pages. Make sure you include the WidgetSquad pixel on every page you’d like to capture data from or display notifications on.


Step 1

Once logged in to your WidgetSquad account, click on "Install Script" button from your dashboard.

Install WidgetSquad Pixel Code


Step 2

Select and copy JS Code Snippet

Copy pixel code

Step 4

Paste the code you have copied before the closing </head> tag of your website.

If you’d like guidance on installing your pixel on a particular platform, please check our many platform specific articles.


Step 5

Once installed, clear the cache of your website and visit your site in a few different browsers. Then click on Check Activity button and you should see activity message like below:


Last updated on: 13 June, 2020