Facebook Chat Widget

Fully Customizable Facebook Chat Widget for Website.

Jessica Sykes
Typically replies within a day
Hi there 👋, How can I help you?
You can customize the widget in a couple of clicks and add it to your website.

Facebook Messenger Chat Plugin For Website

Facebook Chat Widget is very easy to use for your website. You can give option your visitor to send a message to you and have answers to their queries and requests. You can stay available online for your audience in one of the most popular messenger entire day. You can select on which page you want to show widget to display, you can also customize your own title, sub title, profile picture, Icon color, button text, welcome message and even more.

Where can I install it ?
You only need to install code in your header section, then you can control where and on which page widget should appear.

What are benefits of having this plugin on my website ?
Facebook Live Chat will make it easier for your website visitors to send you with their messages. This may help to increase your leads and sales.

What do I need to have Facebook Chat ?
You only need one or two minute of time to have the widget up and running. The process is extremely simple, fast, free, and doesn't required to do coding.


Following are some useful options available. It makes the widget personalised & efficient for you & your visitors.
- Get messages directly to your facebook chat account.
- Easy to custimize widget look & feel including bubble icon color, chat window header color to match your website looks
- Set your own trigger where to display your widget on entire website or on just few pages, you have full control!

Create Your Facebook Messenger Chat Widget for Website

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