How to Install Pixel code

The first step towards boosting conversion rates is to add WidgetSquad pixel code to your website and / or landing pages. Make sure you include the WidgetSquad pixel on every page you’d like to capture data from or display notifications on.

Step 1

Once logged in to your WidgetSquad account, click on Create Campaign button, it'll open Create Campaign popup.

Step 2

Enter your website name and domain name then click on Create button.

Copy pixel code

Step 3

Click on "Copy Pixel" button to copy your pixel code to clipboard, or you can send your pixel code to your developer by clicking on Send to Developer button.

Copy pixel code

Step 4

Paste the code you have copied before the closing of   </head>  tag of your website.

If you’d like guidance on installing your pixel on a particular platform, please check our many platform specific articles.

Step 5

Once installed, clear the cache of your website and visit your site in a few different browsers. Then refresh your campaign page, you can notice "Pixel Installed" below Install Script button, It means you had successfully installed pixel code in to your website:

Pixel Installed


Last updated on: 12 July, 2020